Pebby, the giver of hamster kisses

Category: , By panda_eyed

This is Pebby, a Campbell's Russian dwarf hamster. Pebby kept me entertained and gave me lots of tiny furry cuddles from November 2004-Christmas 2005, before I took little Boris and 'Tache from Sez. I know a lot of people have hamsters, and I've had quite a few in my time, but I can honestly say that Pebby (originally named Pebble, naturally progressing to Pebby) was different. I realised that I'd never blogged about him, and that's a shame, because he was such a special, loving little thing.

I know you'll probably be thinking, "What the hell has Pandy been smoking? It's a hamster for crying out loud, how special could it be?!" Give me a moment and I'll tell you why.

Most hamsters are shy by nature and can't really be called tame. But Pebby was different. He was so tame that he was almost a puppy. In fact, I'm sure he thought he was! In the pet shop choosing which hamster to take home, I couldn't possibly pick one out. Which of these was going to be Pandy's new baby? So I put my hand in the box and whilst all the other hammies shied away, a certain Pebby climbed halfway up my arm, sniffing and looking at me with curiosity. So it was decided, he was the one!

Everyone knows someone whose hamster has escaped and has spent hours looking for it. I had the same problem with my mice. I once spent 5 whole hours in the same room as one of them, trying to coax it out from under the bed. Pebby never gave me that trouble - we had an agreement. He could roam wherever he liked, for as long as he liked, as long as he came back afterwards. And you know what? He always did. Apart from one time when he fell fast asleep in the folds of a scarf in my bedroom, the silly fluffball. I remember when I first realised that he had boomerang qualities. It was in the first few weeks of our friendship and I was sitting on the floor in my bedroom reading whilst he had a little run. I had put books and boxes in front of the bed and other crevices so that he couldn't get anywhere that I wouldn't be able to scoop him out from. I was soon absorbed in the book and forgot all about him. And then I felt two little paws on my leg - Pebby standing on his hindlegs looking up at me, almost as if to say "What are you doing?". I gave him a squashed pea - one of his favourite foods (he liked to peel it and then nibble away at it) and went back to reading. The next time I looked up, he was sitting on my knee, bold as brass. From then on, there was no need to cordon off the area and he wandered about pretty much anywhere he liked because as soon as he got tired of it, he would climb up my knee or come and sit on my hand.

I think one of the reasons that Pebby became so tame was Hamster Hoops - a treat that he would do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, for. Why he loved these things so much I have no idea, but he would start going stir-crazy the minute he smelt one. This is how I trained him to give me kisses. I'd put it between my lips and he'd come and take it out. After a few times, he'd come and kiss my lips if my face was anywhere near his - just in case, in suppose! Hehe..

Hamsters usually don't like excessive human contact, but Pebby just didn't mind! He'd be sitting quietly on the table and I'd stroke him, and he'd sit as contently as anything. I'd nudge and nuzzle him with my nose, and he wouldn't even flinch. He was a tiny thing, but he gave the best cuddles.. They were furry and so so soft against my cheek :)

One of the hazards of a roaming hamster is the danger of flattening it by accident as they run about so fast. This almost happened with Pebby, I'm ashamed to say! Pebby was having a run - by now, there wasn't anywhere he couldn't go - I was talking to my sister and looked behind me for him as I sat down on my floor. He must have quickly flashed past in the very second I sat down, because my sister said "I think you've sat on Pebble". I thought she was joking and waved it off. But she insisted, and I got up to look, and there was poor Pebby, pushing himself as flat as he could against the carpet, hair ruffled and with a look of extreme surprise on my little face! Lol, I was scared because I didn't know if I'd hurt him, but I did have to laugh at that expression afterwards! The poor bun must have been as squashed as a sardine!

So are you getting a picture of why Pebby was so dear to me? Here was a hamster that didn't just eat out of my hand, but also gave me kisses and allowed me to give him cuddles. He wasn't the slightest bit afraid of me, the opposite in fact, and he would do a little 'Hello! Come and play!' dance against the plastic of his cage when I walked into the room. I've never had a rodent so comfortable with me that it would even fall asleep curled up in the folds of blanket that I was wrapped in to watch TV. It became my wind-down routine last thing in the evening to spend an hour or so with him before I went to bed. He would always be waiting for me.

He died on New Year's eve 2005, and I was devastated. I had left him with a friend whilst I went to Hong Kong, and that was the longest time we'd ever spent apart (He had even gone on holiday with me to the Lake District and gotten travel-sick in the car!), and I couldn't help but think that he had died of heart break thinking that I had abandoned him. It sounds silly that I got so upset, but it really was like losing a dear friend. The house felt empty without him, and in the evenings, I would walk into his room before realising that he wasn't there anymore. I even thought I could hear him running round in his wheel at times.

So that was the story of the best hamster that ever lived. And I leave you with a couple more pictures of him doing what he did best - giving furry kisses.


11 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 1:40 am, August 22, 2007
    Your hamsters are so cute!!! :) Thanks for sharing the photos. :)
  2. Anonymous 9:17 am, August 22, 2007
    Nice entry Pandy! Some people seem to have a special affinity with animals, and in particular with pets.
    I like the name, and the first photo is just lovely.
    Take care and hugs. xx
  3. PinkPanther 11:02 am, August 22, 2007
    What a lovely Pebby in the first photo and with nice fur :-)

    My cousin lives in HK also has two such kind of pets. They've birth 6 babies lately. ^_^
  4. Anonymous 7:32 am, August 23, 2007
    Hugs and kisses from a hamster - how sweeeeeet is that?!
  5. Olivia 1:26 pm, August 23, 2007
    Awww, you are missing him aren't you?

    Such a cute post, I could just tell how much you love him! It's really the most precious thing when your pets give hugs n kisses, a memory to be treasure always ;)

    I miss it too. Bunny snuggles. One day, eh?
    Are you considering another hammie?

  6. LadyHAHA 5:00 am, August 24, 2007
    OMg what a great and touching story! Thank you for sharing and the photos are adorable!! Pebby was SOOO cute and he sounded like a little doggy!!!!

    I'm sorry to hear your puppy hamster passed away. :(
  7. Anonymous 12:46 pm, August 24, 2007
    How cute is that little thing. I used to have a hamster we called it Hfor As in Hfor Hamster. lol..
  8. Rabbit 5:33 pm, August 24, 2007
    So cute! My mum was telling me about my uncles hamster when he was a kid. It used to go everywhere with him in his pocket. The hamster would ever run around the side of his bath or even jump in for a swim sometimes then scamper out very happy! Sounded so funny! Yours sounds of similar nature.
  9. Anonymous 1:35 am, August 27, 2007
    Nags and I have just melted at this story, darling Pebby, what a fab little thing!!! So cute and such a lovely story. Massive hugs for you and little heavenly ones for Pebby. Lots of love for you both! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. Anonymous 11:14 pm, September 04, 2007
    We attempt to remove this symptom by urging him to the action which he deems himself incapable of.. How much cotton will you raise? Well, I count on a hundr'd bales.. A very important difference, said Prue, counting her stitches. THE WATKINSON EVENING [From Godey's Lady's Book , December, 1846.. If you tell me that Aurelia is but a giddy girl, I shall believe that you think so.. Nevertheless, the situation provoked the intensest curiosity. John Sanks became sheriff, and rewarded with a deputyship some important special service rendered by him in the late very close canvass. A long plank was put out from her side, and the debarkation commenced.. But now don't you want to buy a bonnet or a cloak to carry home to your wife? Well, you're whistlin' now, birdie; that's my intention; set 'em all out.. , the significance of any hysterical phobia or of an agoraphobia.. The same kind of dream about a forbidden dish was that of a little boy of twenty-two months.. And I went, during the bright period of his success, to so few of those awful pageants which require a black dress-coat and what the ungodly call, after Mr.. ) Three of them, with arms behind the others' waists, followed him up to the wagon he rode home in; and a little girl with a blue sash had been sent to give him a rosebud.. Having won your case, sir, said the Colonel, coolly, the--er--usages of advocacy do not prevent me from espousing the cause of the weak and unprotected.. Each one of us will have to tell his wife that the other fellow made the first abject overtures.. Gideon had grown to be to vaudeville much what Uncle Remus is to literature: there was virtue in his very simplicity.. Other constellations for the dream formation would result if the foreconscious train of thought had from the beginning been connected with the unconscious wish, and for that reason met with rejection by the dominating end-occupation; or if an unconscious wish were made active for other--possibly somatic--reasons and of its own accord sought a transference to the psychic remnants not occupied by the Forec.. Upon reference to this infantile experience, the beginning of the dream seems to represent the factor of sexual excitement.. I can assure the reader that veiled dreams of sexual intercourse with the mother are a great deal more frequent than open ones to the same effect.. Humor at every turn there is, and sentiment and philosophy and surprise...
  11. Anonymous 9:25 am, September 25, 2007
    awww check out that cute little thing. I remember having a hamster. I didnt look after it very well at teh time and had to leave it at my boyfriedns house.

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